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Updated: Jul 26, 2022

The Minden Times, the weekly newspaper that serves the Haliburton Highlands where my vacation home is located, has done a great profile of me in its current issue. The headline is Cottager crafts crime in Highlands.

Google Alerts just informed me that the presses rolled earlier this evening.

I spent almost an hour being interviewed by Times reporter Chad Ingram last week. It was great fun — and a whole new experience for a jaded old journalist like me to be on the other side of the interview table.

Chad was interested in crime fiction, getting published, journalism. You name it. Great to talk to a keen, interested reporter. And, sweet guy, he didn’t even ask my age, which I always do in interviews.

Having a book published is a whole lot of fun!

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

Two weeks from now, I’ll be reading from Safe Harbor at Crime Writers of Canada’s Arthur Ellis Shortlist Event. I’m tickled pink that I was asked to participate in the Toronto event because I’ll be sharing the stage some of Canada’s best-known crime fiction writers. Rosemary Aubert, Rick Blechta, Maureen Jennings, Ian Hamilton and Robert Rotenberg, to name a few.

Who was Arthur Ellis, you ask? Arthur Ellis was the pseudonym of our official hangman, before Canada abolished the death penalty in 1976.

The writers shortlisted for this year’s Arthurs will be announced at events in five cities across Canada that evening: Vancouver (Vancouver Public Library), Calgary (Downtown Central Calgary Public Library), Toronto (Indigo, Manulife Centre), Ottawa (Library & Archives Canada) and Montreal (Atwater Library).

Drop in if you’re in the area – 7 p.m. local time.

The winners will named on May 31 at the 2012 Arthur Ellis Awards Banquet at the Hilton Toronto.

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Updated: Jul 25, 2022

Safe Harbor didn’t catch up to Dracula and it didn’t made it into the top 100 in the Kindle Free Store in its two-day free Amazon promotion that ran until midnight yesterday. But it did see 1,118 free downloads on  Tuesday and Wednesday. That means there are now 1,118 people out there reading Safe Harbor on their Kindles, tablets, iPhones, PCs and laptops! And, hopefully, talking about it.

I had to chuckle when I saw Stephen King’s new blockbuster 11/22/63 directly across the virtual aisle from Safe Harbor early Wednesday afternoon. They were both #10 in Suspense, although King’s book wasn’t free.

Safe Harbor slid a bit after that, but it was still in the Top 20 in Free Suspense at #15 when I checked out for the day at 10:50 p.m. EDT.

Not bad at all for an unknown author and a brand-new book.

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